Whose 10 years of experience in the jewellery industry. 
A self-taught artist, a mom, a Taiwanese based in Hong Kong.
As an artist trained in Gemology, whose has an intrinsic connection with quartz but also a lucid comprehension of quartz's structure as an external observer.
Quartz can pass the electromagnetic radiation of ultraviolet, visible light and infrared light in a certain wavelength range. 
But what we see with our human eyes is just a tiny part of them. That's force me to think about what reality is.
Blends science, nature and mysticism, hope my artworks make you feel connected to all living things surrounding us - even through the photos you can feel the energy flowing.
30. Nov

What kind of day is November 30 for you? 
For the Astronomer Galileo, that was the day he discovered that the moon had high mountains and low valleys.
As a student once studied sketching at the Academy of art, when he observed the black spots on the surface of the moon with a telescope, he immediately realized that it was the shadow of the terrain. 
Art is so meaningful, affects science and change the world.
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